Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alasan Kenapa Wanita Nekat untuk Melakukan Perselingkuhan

PRIA dinilai sulit menjaga kesetiaan, padahal kenyataannya kini wanita selingkuh sama banyaknya dengan pria. Terdapat beberapa alasan khusus mengapa wanita berselingkuh.

Survei perselingkuhan terbaru oleh Coffee and Company, biro perkawinan di Inggris, dilakukan terhadap 3.000 responden. Hasilnya, lebih dari 20 persen responden wanita mengaku berselingkuh. Demikian pula pada hasil Great Male Survey 2010 dan Great Female Survey 2010 oleh di mana 5 persen wanita mengaku berselingkuh sedangkan pria mengaku yang berselingkuh kurang dari 3 persen.

Psikolog Gail Saltz dan Kelly Wallace, ketua korespondensi di, mengungkap alasan perselingkuhan wanita. Meskipun kesepian dan keinginan untuk merasa dihargai biasanya penyebab utama di balik perselingkuhan, kedua psikolog berhasil menemukan empat motif selingkuh lainnya, seperti diulas ThirdAge.

Balas dendam

Seorang wanita yang kesetiaannya telah diinjak-injak bisa berbalik selingkuh sebagai bentuk balas dendam kepada pasangannya.

Jika suami selingkuh, kemungkinan istri melakukan hal serupa karena berpikir hal tersebut hanya satu-satunya jalan untuk suami bisa merasakan sakit yang ia rasakan.

Kalau tujuan istri adalah menyakiti pasangannya, selingkuh adalah cara yang pasti mendatangkan kesuksesan.

“Pria tidak memiliki empati sebagaimana wanita sehingga pria biasanya tidak bisa merasakan sakit yang sama, kecuali hal itu dilakukan kembali kepada mereka,” kata Bonnie Weil PhD dari

Namun jika istri mencari penyembuhan luka atas kesetiaannya, tindakan selingkuh hanya akan menimbulkan masalah lebih besar.

“Setelah istri selingkuh, pasti akan berakhir dengan perasaan bersalah. Belum lagi masalah hubungan dengan keluarga dan orang sekitarnya yang masih menghargai kesetiaan," imbuhnya.

Ingin tertangkap basah

Wanita dalam pernikahan atau hubungan tidak bahagia dapat menggunakan perselingkuhan sebagai kendaraan untuk melarikan diri.

“Mereka adalah wanita yang tidak bahagia pada pernikahan orangtuanya dan merasa sangat bersalah ketika mengatakan bersedia menikah pada seseorang. Mereka ingin memiliki alasan untuk perasaannya,” kata Kelly Wallace.

Karena pria cenderung memaafkan perselingkuhan, mereka kemungkinan besar akan meminta putus atau bercerai untuk meringankan perasaan bersalah pasangannya.

Berselingkuh juga dapat menjadi kepastian bahwa wanita tidak ingin sendirian setelah pernikahannya hancur.

“Wanita selingkuh untuk memiliki seseorang yang dapat menemaninya melewati lompatan ketika dia benar-benar ingin mengakhiri hubungan. Dia butuh pria lain sebagai batu loncatan,” kata Gail Saltz.

Hidupkan kembali masa lalu

Ketika hubungan masa lalu kembali mengharu biru, seorang wanita bisa berpaling ke mantan pacarnya untuk mendapatkan kenyamanan.

“Kadang-kadang, melewati hari-hari suram dalam pernikahan adalah saat tepat untuk menemukan pasangan seks temporer untuk membuat mereka merasa lebih baik,” kata pakar hubungan Seth Meyers PsyD, psikolog berbasis di Los Angeles.

Banyak pengalaman membuktikan, perselingkuhan ini bukan untuk mempermainkan perasaan mantan kekasihnya, melainkan keinginan wanita untuk disayang.

“Mengembalikan momen masa muda bisa membuatnya merasa hidup kembali. Hal ini membuatnya merasa lebih muda, lebih riang, lebih seksi, dan lebih menarik,” tukasnya.

Dekat dengan pengalaman kematian

Pengalaman menjelang kematian tidak selalu membawa pasangan menjadi semakin dekat. Wanita yang telah mengalami perubahan hidup traumatik, baik kecelakaan ataupun sakit parah, mungkin akan kembali memikirkan pilihan hidup mereka dan mulai melihat pilihan di luar pernikahannya.

“Ketika Anda berhadapan langsung dengan kematian, Anda mulai mempertanyakan segala tentang pekerjaan hidup, teman, keluarga, dan pasangan,” tutur Kelly.

Jika waktu yang tersisa dinyatakan tidak sebentar, wanita mungkin selingkuh untuk membuat sisa waktu mereka lebih berharga, apalagi jika pasangan tidak mendukungnya melewati hari-hari berat.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anang Hermansyah Kaget saat mendengar Mantan Istri KD Hamil di Luar Nikah

KrisDayanti Hamil di Luar Nikah, Anang antara Kaget & Tidak.

KD membuat pengakuan di sebuah tabloid, telah hamil 4 bulan. Mantan suami KD, Anang Hermansyah, seperti sudah mafhum dengan tindak tanduk KD. Anang antara kaget dan tidak.

Krisdayanti membuat pengakuan di sebuah tabloid, telah hamil 4 bulan. Mantan suami KD, Anang Hermansyah , seperti sudah mafhum dengan tindak tanduk KD. Anang antara kaget dan tidak.

"Saya sudah tahu kabar itu dari teman-teman media. Sebelumnya tidak tahu. Waduh, soal pantas, kaget enggak kaget, sudah bukan (tempatnya) aku lagi," kilah Anang saat dikontak, Selasa (19/4/2011).

Musisi bertangan dingin ini menolak berkomentar banyak soal kehamilan KD. Baginya, kehamilan merupakan kabar baik.

"Aku enggak bisa kasih tanggapan apa-apa. Soal anak, itu kabar yang bahagia, enggak kenapa-kenapa. Kehamilan itu kan baik," ujarnya bijak.

Sebelumnya pernah diberitakan, Anang dan kedua anaknya, Aurel dan Azriel, berharap KD segera diberi momongan. Kini, janin sudah bersemayam di rahim adik Yuni Shara itu. Bagaimana tanggapan anak-anak?

"Mendengar kabar seperti itu mereka senang ya, punya adik. Anak-anak pasti senang, baik Aurel maupun Azriel. Tanggapan mereka apa ya, anak-anak mengerti apa yang perlu disampaikan ke aku, apa yang enggak. Mereka mengerti posisinya," kata mantan rekan duet Syahrini itu.

KD ditengarai hamil di luar nikah karena usia kandungannya sudah 17 minggu alias 4 bulan. Sementara, pernikahan dengan Raul Lemos baru digelar pada 20 Maret 2011 kemarin.(

Lyric Lagu Indonesia Terbaru

Teman Tapi Mesra

aku punya teman
teman sepermainan
dimana ada dia selalu ada aku

dia memang manis
dan juga baik hati
dan dia slalu ada waktu
untuk membantuku

namun aku bingung
ketika dia bilang cinta
dan dia juga katakan
tuk ingin jadi kekasihku

cukuplah saja berteman denganku
janganlah kau meminta lebih
kutak mungkin mencintaimu
kita berteman saja
teman tapi mesra

aku memang suka pada dirimu
namun aku ada yang punya
lebih baik kita berteman
kita berteman saja
teman tapi mesra

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lingkungan Kerja Berwawasan Natural; Perusahaan Mewajibkan Karyawannya untuk Bugil Saat Kerja di Kantor

Sebuah perusahaan software komputer di Buckinghamshire, Inggris, mencari karyawan untuk posisi web-coder yang siap bekerja tanpa busana. Dalam situs perusahaan tersebut tertulis, pelamar kerja harus siap melepas pakaiannya selama berada di area kantor.

Nude House, nama perusahaan itu. Ini merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang menjual perangkat lunak, yang memungkinkan pelanggan memberikan tautan link di atas gambar.

"Ini akan menjadi pengalaman berharga bagi pekerja untuk mengekspresikan kealamian tubuhnya selama bekerja. Perusahaan akan menyediakan shower dan fasilitas lainnya untuk mendukung kebijakan ini," demikian tertulis di situs perusahaan itu.

Berlokasi di kota Amersham, Buckinghamshire, perusahaan ini ingin mengampanyekan lingkungan kerja berwawasan alami atau naturisme, juga hangat dan pribadi. Kebijakan ini juga berlaku untuk karyawan di bagian penjualan atau web-selling.

“Naturisme tidak berorientasi seksual. Perhatiannya adalah pada kemampuan penjualan dan kemampuan teknis, bukan seksualitas pekerja.”

Kepada The Register, juru bicara Nude House, Chris Taylor, mengatakan, penerapan kebijakan kontroversial ini bukan pertama di Inggris. Sejumlah kantor di negara itu juga telah mempekerjakan karyawan di web-coding atau web-selling dalam keadaan tanpa busana.

Sejauh ini, kebanyakan perusahaan yang menggunakan karyawan tanpa busana itu memiliki misi menggoda pelanggan agar membeli produk mereka. Kebijakan diterapkan sebagai bagian dari promosi perusahaan.

Namun, Taylor memastikan bahwa perusahaannya tidak akan mengambil untung dari kebijakan itu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas bisnis. “Ini tidak ada manfaatnya untuk pelanggan, karena mereka tidak akan pernah tahu bahwa pekerja yang melayani mereka tidak mengenakan busana,” ujar Taylor.(Vivanews)

Layanan Situs Jual Beli Teman Kencan; Kemesraan, Romantisme dan Kepuasan Hubungan Seksual

Kabar baik buat yang belum punya pangan atau yang berniat untuk melakukan perselingkuhan, pria maupun wanita yang sudah haus akan kehangatan pasangan. Fantasi dunia maya menawarkan fasilitas baru untuk suatu hubungan intim, kencan, romantisme, kemesraan dan fantasi seksualitas.

Slogan pada website ini yaitu "Setiap orang ada harganya" Itulah slogan yang ditawarkan, merupakan fasilitas situs bagi yang ingin melakukan transaksi dalam hubungan untuk melakukan aktifitas kencan pertama. Pada website ini fasilitas yang ditawarkan yaitu, untuk setiap anggotanya diberikan keleluasaan untuk bisa membeli atau menjual kesempatan untuk sebuah kencan pertama. sungguh luar biasa...

Pada situs ini membagi anggotanya dalam dua kategori, 'dermawan', dan 'penggoda'. Mereka yang tergabung dalam kategori 'dermawan' diposisikan sebagai pembeli. Sedangkan 'penggoda' adalah penjual.

Disamping menampilkan profil, mereka yang tergabung di kategori 'penggoda' harus menampilkan harga penawaran kepada 'dermawan', untuk bisa diajak kencan. Semacam lelang, 'penggoda' bisa menerima, menolak, atau menurunkan harga untuk si 'dermawan'.

Seperti tertulis di situsnya, mereka bisa bertemu dan melakukan kencan pertama setelah terjadi kesepakatan harga. Sebelum bertemu, 'dermawan' boleh membayar 50 persen sebagai tanda jadi. Sisanya dibayar saat bertemu dalam kencan pertama.

"Memang situs ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan prostitusi dunia maya. Namun, secara kontekstual, bebas prostitusi. Bagi yang mau kencan sesaat dengan membayar sejumlah uang, mungkin ini boleh saja dicoba. Tetapi tidak untuk orang yang mencari hubungan berkualitas dengan pasangan seumur hidup," tulis situs itu.

Brandon Wade, juru bicara menyebut situs buatannya semacam eBay khusus untuk kencan. "Ketika Anda melihat seorang lajang yang menarik di situs ini dan ingin mengajaknya berkencan, cukup buat penawaran harga dan membayarnya untuk kencan pertama."

Ini bukan satu-satunya situs kencan kontroversial. Ada situs yang hanya beranggotakan wanita cantik dan pria tampan: Ada situs beranggotakan wanita dan pria yang dianggap kurang sempurna secara penampilan fisik: Ada pula situs kencan khusus untuk mereka yang berniat selingkuh:

So... Untuk semua fasilitas ini, Lo pada tinggal pilih aja bro... kira-kira situs mana yang dirasakan sangat cocok dan nyaman. Anda berani coba??? Kalo punya duit, knapa gk bro?? Sikaaaattt....... Jangan sampai keduluan sama orang lain bro...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Download Free Video Briptu Norman Komaru Lengkap Hanya disini

Heboh dengan pemberitaan polisi gorontalo menggila, yang di upload dalam situs youtube menjadi Hot News dengan Rating Trafik kunjungan tertinggi di youtube. 

Hampir 30.000 orang yang melihat tayangan video briptu norman komaru dalam satu harinya. Sunggu kunjungan trafik yang sangat tinggi untuk sebuah tayangan video youtube. Adegan Norman memang sangat menghibur bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Akibat ulahnya melakukan adegan lipsing didepan camera handphone miliknya yang masih berseragan dinas lengkap membuat geger se-antero jagad raya.

Aksi yang telah dilakukan Norman, dengan menirukan gaya Sahrukan Bintang film India terkenal itu sungguh hampir menyerupai persis dengan aslinya. Bisa dibilang ini Sahrukhan Nya Indonesia. Gerak dan gaya yang dibawakan oleh Norman Komaru bak orang India asli yang sedang melakukan adegan dalam film.

Populernya Norman karena dia melakukan adegan lipsing dengan menggunakan seragam dinas Polri dan sedang melakukan penjagaan. Hal ini sebetulnya yang membuat unik dan juga menarik. Ditengah-tengah kepenatan tugas, Norman mencoba untuk menghilangkan kejenuhan dengan melakukan adegan lipsing bak layaknya Bintang Film India.

Untuk kepopulerannya ini Norman sudah banyak di pesan oleh beberapa stasiun telvisi swasta untuk melakukan talkshow. Rencananya malam ini Norma di Undang langsung oleh stasiun tv swasta trans 7 dalam Acara "Bukan Empat Mata" dengan Host Tukul Arwana. Sungguh anugrah yang indah buat Norman, karena aksi isengnya itu dia malah mendapatka berkah tawaran untuk tampil di stasiun tv swasta di Indonesia. Meskipun Norman dihukum, tapi hukumannya tidak berat. Norman hanya dihukum untuk menyanyikan sebuah lagu india dan beradegan sama dengan apa yang telah dia lakukan dalam tayangan youtube yang sempat heboh itu.

Berikut liputan aksi-aksi Norman komaru secara lengkap mulai dari pertama dia bergaya saampai dengan adegan video norman terbaru dengan bermain gitar bersama rekannya menyanyikan lagu "kita dan dunia" by Krispatih yang telah kami download dalam situs youtube khusus hanya untuk Anda.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Technology making bioethanol as fuel saver

Bioethanol or ethyl alcohol is alcohol made from raw materials that are renewable. Bioethanol is usually produced by fermentation of materials containing glucose or glucose polymers (polysaccharides). Nearly 93% ethanol in the world is bioethanol which is the result of the anaerobic conversion of biomass, ethanol and the rest is chemically synthesized from petroleum derivatives.

Bioethanol can be used as an agent to increase the octane number of gasoline because ethanol is high octane number (135) while the premium octane fuel is sold as 98. The higher the octane number, the more resistant the fuel to not burn yourself so that the stability of the combustion process to obtain a more stable power. Combustion process with a more perfect power would reduce emissions of carbon monoxide gas. 3% bioethanol mix alone, can reduce carbon monoxide emissions to only 1.35% .

Gasoline consumption in Indonesia in 2005 reached 16 jutakilo liter (Sutanto). Fraction of premium generated by the petroleum processing units in Indonesia are not enough to meet the needs of premium Indonesia. To overcome the deficit premium, Indonesia imported premium demand from international markets. Indonesia Premium requirement in 2008 is predicted at 19.6 million kilo liters. With the amount of crude oil processing units are not increased, the production of premium generated Indonesia continues, Indonesia will import premium in larger amounts in future years.

The government has actually been trying to find a solution to reduce oil imports in the future by issuing a Presidential Decree. 5 / 2006 on national energy policy to develop alternative energy sources as a substitute for fuel oil. Based on these regulations is expected in 2025, 17% of Indonesia's energy needs supplied by renewable energy (Yudhoyono, 2005). One source of energy that can be utilized as an energy alternative is ethanol. Although the specific energy density of ethanol is less than the premium (specific energy density of ethanol from 23.4 to 26.8 MJ / kg, specific energy density of the premium from 45 to 48.3 MJ / kg) (Sutanto), but the raw material for ethanol is abundant in Indonesia and ethanol production processes can be developed in Indonesia, the ethanol as an alternative energy source to substitute a premium it is possible to be implemented in Indonesia.

Utilization of ethanol and gasoline-ethanol mixtures as fuel has been carried out since the beginning of the automobile vehicle. Use of pure ethanol as vehicle fuel was first introduced by Henry Ford on the car model assemblies (Husky Energy, 2007), even in April 1933 in Nebraska is 10% bioethanol blend sold at premium (Praj Industries, 2006). Earlier, the stock amount of oil that is not limited and less expensive, the use of ethanol as fuel has not been deemed necessary. But recent decades, rising crude oil prices have prompted the search for alternative energy to overcome energy crisis began to threaten the world. The environmental impact caused by fossil fuel use is also a consideration proper selection of alternative energy and environmentally friendly. The use of ethanol as fuel has several advantages compared with the fuel, namely: a) high oxygen content (35%) so if it burned very clean, b) environmentally friendly due to emission of carbon-mono-oxide is 19-25% lower than the fuel so it does not contribute to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Costello and Chun, 1988), and is renewable, while the fuel will be depleted due to fossil raw materials.

Bioethanol Production
Bioethanol produced by fermentation of biomass anaerobic conversion of glucose-containing materials group. The fermentation process generally consists of three stages, namely the manufacture of soluble sugars, fermentation of sugars into ethanol, and the separation and purification of ethanol is usually done by distillation (Badger, 2002).

Bioethanol production technology has been developed and divided into first and second generation technology. The second difference is based on the generation of raw material to produce bioethanol (McCutcheon, 2007). The first generation bioethanol is produced from ingredients that contain sugar or starch, such as molasses, sugar beets, sugar cane, barley, several kinds of wheat, corn, potatoes, cassava, sugar cane.

Starchy material generally contains amylase and amylopectin. Amylase is a linear glucose polymer composed of glucose units linked by al ,4-glycosidic bonds, whereas amylopectin is a branched polymer which in its branches are linked by ties of a-1, 6. Starchy materials used to produce bioethanol is also used as food. Competition raw materials as food and materials to encourage ethanol production business usage of raw materials other than human food chain. Results of development resulted in a second-generation technologies that use materials that contain cellulose or hemicellulose.

Production of ethanol by first-generation technology has been widely applied in the world, including Indonesia. While second-generation technology is still in its early stages of research and development on pilot scale. Although still in its early stages of research, production of ethanol with a second-generation technology has the potential to be developed capable for producing bioethanol with high acquisition without competing with food.

Bioethanol Production with First Generation Technology
Bioethanol production process which has been developed and applied generally involves 2 steps, the process of saccharification and fermentation. Saccharification process aims to break down carbohydrates (like sugar, cellulose and hemicellulose) into sugar monomers.

On the raw material of molasses, sugar beet and sugar cane that had been used widely as material for ethanol production, ethanol-making process is more simple because the raw materials can be directly disakarifikasi by adding glucoamylase (Caylak and Sports, 1998). As for the starchy raw material, before the saccharification process must be done beforehand Liquefaction process, the process with this starchy raw materials has been widely applied especially in Brazil and in the U.S. to produce bioethanol, but in Indonesia are still held at the household scale. Liquefaction Process done because the ethanol fermentation microorganisms are not able to convert starch to ethanol directly, an enzyme needed to convert the starch into maltose oligosaccharides, and go through the process of saccharification is converted into simple sugars are easily fermented.

Saccharification Process
Saccharification process aims to convert the dextrins generated on Liquefaction process so as to produce mono-or in-saccharide (Frings, 2007). Saccharification process was carried out with added glucoamylase. In this process the release of aD-glucose from the non reducing end of sugar 1,4-a-glucan. The reaction took place at pH 4-5 and at a temperature of 50-60 degrees C (Frings, 2006) for 2 h.

Fermentation Process
The fermentation process took place at pH 4-6, at a temperature of 30-35 degrees C (Frings, 2006) and kept anaerobic fermentation conditions. Microbes that help the process of fermentation is Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Zimomonas mobilis. The fermentation process can produce ethanol up to levels above 12% because the levels of microorganisms that help the fermentation process can not work anymore.

Liquefaction Process
At this stage of Liquefaction occurs gelatinasi process to break down starch so that starch dextrin becoming. Liquefaction processes take place at high temperature is 80-90 degrees C and pH 5 (Frings, 2006) for 30 minutes (Anonymous, 2007), starch-solving process is done by adding the enzyme amylase. Amylase is added may consist of two types, namely endo-amylase that will attack the bond of a-1, 4 glycosidic linkages in polymers starch randomly and exo-amylase which will hydrolize glucose or maltose from starch polymer reducing end (Neves, 2006).

Separation and Purification Process
To separate the microbial biomass ethanol broth is done by decantation. Most biomass fermentation padatangki returned again to do further fermentation. To separate the ethanol from the fermentation broth can be done by distillation in stages because the water content in broth was high. Distillates storied able to produce ethanol with a maximum purity of 95.6%, because the purity of the ethanol to form azeotrope with water so as not to be separated again with the usual separation. To obtain fuel ethanol standard, purity 99%, can be done by adding the entrainer, the separation of the membrane by evaporation, or by using molecular sieve (Frings, 2006).

Hydrolysis and Fermentation Process
In the course of the development of bioethanol production processes, hydraulic processes (saccharification) and fermentation can be classified into two different processes, namely process-Separate Hydrolysis-Fermentation (SHF) and Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) (Neves, 2006).

Separate process-Fermentation-Hydrolysis
Separate process-Hydrolysis-Fermentation (SHF) is the process of making ethanol in which the stage lasted hydrolysis and fermentation stages separately. Starch-containing raw materials undergo a process of hydrolysis (Liquefaction and saccharification) separately from the fermentation process. After the hydrolysis process is complete, continue the process of fermentation. This is intended to facilitate control of every stage, in order to achieve the desired results. In addition, the interaction between the two stages can be minimized.

SHF process has several weaknesses, including the performance of a-amylase that is not optimal due to the occurrence of the enzyme by the accumulation of sugar inihibisi although the content of a-amylase in the system high. If a-amylase inhibited the Liquefaction process will stop, although not all the available starch is converted into simple sugars (Neves, 2006). Inhibition will eventually affect the ethanol produced.

Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation
To overcome the weakness that occurs in the SHF process, it is developing a new process with a process called Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF), as has been patented by the Gulf Oil Company and the University of Arkansas (1979). SSF processes have the same basic SHF process, only phase hydrolysis and fermentation stages take place simultaneously in one tank. Some time after the added a-amylase, glucoamylase is added to the tank to convert the dextrins generated by a-amylase into simple sugars for fermenting into ethanol. Then the tank was also added Saccharomyces cerevisiae to ferment sugar into ethanol, so there is no accumulation of sugar which will cause the inhibition of a-amylase (Neves, 2006).

The presence of yeast / bacteria together with the enzyme in a reaction tank, to reduce the accumulation of sugar in the tank so that the performance of a-amylase to a maximum and can convert all the starch into simple sugars and ethanol produced was higher than the SHF.

SSF process these last few years has been modified to include also the stage cofermentasi than double the sugar substrate. This process is known as Simultaneous Saccharijication and coFermentation (SSCF).

Prior to hydrolysis by the enzyme treatment, the biomass will have initial treatment (pre-treatment) first, in order to condition the biomass to the nature of the enzyme. After having pre-treatment, enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass and then experiencing. The result of this hydrolysis are not all fermented, because some will form a residue. From the results of fermentation was, ethanol can be formed.

Bioethanol Production with Second Generation Technology
Ethanol or gasoline-ethanol mixture as an alternative fuel and has been applied in several countries such as Brazil, USA, and several countries in Europe. Even in America, more than 5 million vehicles already use E85 which is a mixture of 85% bioethanol and 15% premium (Anonymous, 2006). The number of biomass needed to produce ethanol as a biofuel into its own problems due to biomass in the form of simple sugars (such as sugar, sugar cane, corn) are easily degraded into monomeric sugars, also acts as a source of food for both humans and animals. In addition, the reduction of emissions by combustion of bioethanol is not as low as expected.

Both of the above spur development of alternatives as a raw material for bioethanol, which lignocellulosic materials (wood materials, fibers or even the waste can be degraded). Bioethanol with the raw material is referred to as bietanol Second Generation (Second Generation) because it covers the kinds of raw materials more widely.

The advantage of bioethanol is made from lignocellulose, among others (Hagerdal, 2006):

• lignocellulosic raw materials will reduce the likelihood of conflict between land used for food production (and feed) and the land for the production of raw materials pasukanenergi.Harga this type of raw material cheaper than the first generation and can be obtained with the amount of fertilizer, pesticide and energy are relatively more slightly.
• Bioethanol lignocellulose-based greenhouse gas emissions are lower, reducing the environmental impact, especially climate change.
• Bioethanol is likely to open jobs in rural areas

By looking at these benefits, the prospect of starting research towards the development of lignocellulose-based bioethanol. Research on the utilization berselulosa material as raw material for production of ethanol has been started since 1950.

The principle of bioethanol production from berselulosa same material with the production of bioethanol from sugar or starchy material, which consists of two stages. The first stage is the conversion of cellulose into sugar and the second stage is the production of ethanol from sugar conversion results. Conversion of cellulose into sugars through the hydrolysis reaction. Hydrolysis reaction can be carried out chemically or enzymatically. Once a simple sugar obtained from the process of hydrolysis, fermentation to produce ethanol with conventional ethanol production using microbial and reaction conditions previously mentioned.

Chemically by acid hydrolysis
Chemical hydrolysis reaction can be performed using a dilute acid and concentrated acid. The use of dilute acid hydrolysis process carried out at high temperature and pressure with a short reaction time (several minutes). The temperature required is reached 200 degrees C. Dilute acid used is 0.2 to 4% by weight (Nguyen and Tucker, 2002). The use of dilute acid hydrolysis of cellulose ordinary profit could reach up to 50% conversion reaction (Badger, 2002). Low conversion is due to the degradation of sugar that is formed as the result of hydrolysis reaction used in high temperature. The process of hydrolysis using a dilute acid consists of two stages. The first stage is the conversion of materials into simple sugars berselulosa and the second stage is the degradation of simple sugars that are formed into another chemical structure. Degradation of sugar is not only lower the conversion reaction, but also to poison the microorganisms during fermentation reaction on the formation of ethanol.

In addition to dilute acid, the hydrolysis process can also be done using concentrated acid. The use of concentrated acid on cellulose hydrolysis process carried out at temperatures lower than dilute acid. Acid concentration used is 10-30% (Zimbardi Sources of acid used is sulfuric acid. Reaction temperature is 100 degrees C and requires a reaction time between 2 and 6 hours. A lower temperature to minimize degradation of sugar. The advantage of using concentrated acid is produced by high-sugar conversion, which can reach 90% conversion (Badger, 2002). Lack of this reaction is the reaction time it takes longer and requires a good washing process to achieve the pH of the reaction before adding microbes in the fermentation process of ethanol formation.

By Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Another method used to hydrolyze cellulose is enzymatically. Enzymes are natural proteins that can catalyze a particular reaction. To be able to work, the enzyme should be in direct contact with the substrate to be hydrolyzed. Because cellulose is naturally bound by the lignin that is permeable to water as a carrier of enzymes, then for the enzymatic hydrolysis process requires pretreatmen so that enzymes can be in direct contact with cellulose. Pretreatmen done to break down the crystalline structure of cellulose and lignin that separates the cellulose can be separated. Pretreatmen can be done chemically or physically. Physical methods that can be done is by using high temperature and pressure, milling, radiation, or cooling, all of which require high energy. Meanwhile, the chemically pretreatmen method uses solvents to break down and dissolve the lignin (method deligniflkasi) (Badger, 2002).

The enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose using enzymes penghidrolisis, namely cellulase or can also directly use the cellulase-producing microbes, for example Trichodermareesei. The advantage is the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis are high because the enzyme reaction is selective so that the formation of byproducts can be minimized, the reaction conditions of temperature and pressure is not high, can even be done at room temperature and atmospheric pressure so it does not require special equipment for the reaction. While the lack of the enzymatic hydrolysis process is the reaction time needed for longer, can be reached 72 hours.

China developed a combined chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose-based ethanol production in Shanghai

The beauty of Rafflesia flowers peek Patma The Bogor Botanical Gardens

Rafflesia patma again invite the attention of visitors of the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Flowers maroon young giant with beige spots, the perfect bloom since Wednesday (2/6). Enjoy the beauty of this flower is rather difficult, because it can not be determined when it will bloom again, and usually the flowers bloom will last only about 4 days, and then withered.

Plants that are said to fascinate Sir Stamford Raffles and Dr. Joseph Arnold (inventor of Rafflesia in the jungles of Sumatra arnoldi 1818) was also not able to grow in any place. These plants are found only in very specific places which become habitat. "This tree of life as a parasite alias parasites and still have not found a way to membudidayakannya," said Sofi Mursidawati MSc, researcher at the Bogor Botanical Gardens on Friday.

Judging from the evolutionary line, the Rafflesia plant world is known as one of the most modern plants because it has a sophisticated survival strategy and efficient. Vegetative organs are essential such as leaves and roots are not owned, but his body just a flower that serves as the successor to the reproductive organs of offspring.

Parasitism gone through as the efficiency and compensation of the absence of leaves and roots like other plants owned. As a true parasite Rafflesia did not have the chlorophyll or green item leaf. As a result he is unable to perform the process of photosynthesis and a hundred percent dependent all his life in the host tree.

Because Rafflesia live and breed in the stems or roots of host trees, the plants appear any time from the inside of the host plant so that it is also known as plant endoparasit (endo = inside).

Host plants that host is Tetrastigma spp, which is a kind of plant climbers who still are related to wine. "Rafflesia must be very clever to keep themselves so as not to cause its host to die because inanglah which became the place to eat and breed," said Sofi.

Equilibrium with its host is maintained by limiting the number of population so as not to kill the host tree. Rafflesia will reduce the number itself if too much. "Skill Rafflesia maintain this balance is likely to be living strategies as well as the causes of rarity. Evolution of Rafflesia with its host has been running since thousands of years ago, "he said.

Sofi add Rafflesia have a close relationship with their habitat so that life is difficult to manipulate. "It will depend on the ecosystem from the host tree, insect pollinators, seed dispersers through micro and macro climate very specific habitat," he said.

Since 2004, Patma Rafflesia flowers are in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. According to the Bogor botanical gardens Sofi success in transferring R. patma this time is just the first step of a big job to make a Rafflesia population who live outside their habitat. "Most of the biological life remains a mystery to the experts of plant conservation.

Regeneration, conservation and cultivation of endemic plants is not something that is impossible but a wonderful challenge to be explored in greater depth, "he said.

Benefits of Biogas from Tofu Waste

Ministry of Research and Technology through the Climate Change Impact Control Programme make mitigation pilot project Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for the industry knows little in two small industrial areas out in Navan, which is in the village and hamlet Kalisari Ciroyom.

This pilot project consists of three activities. One of them is to make the unit a pilot sewage treatment plant (WWTP) small industrial liquid out. Both activities are lainnnya production process improvement and energy efficiency through training, mentoring and implementation as well as social studies, economics, policy on small industrial cluster

Why does the industry know? Deputy Assistant to the Deputy Science and Technology Needs Analysis for Administrative and Research and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology Corrections Prihantoro Eddy said, the industry knows is one of the industry was a significant contributor to emissions.

Total industry knew in Indonesia reached 84,000 units. With a production capacity of more than 2.56 million tons per year, the industry knows this produce liquid waste as many as 20 million cubic meters per year and produces about 1 million tons of emissions of CO2 equivalent. As many as 80 percent of the industry knew was on the island of Java. Thus, the plant emitted know in Java to reach 0.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Liquid waste processing unit knew that was developed and installed in the Village and Hamlet Ciroyom Kalisari Fixed Bed Reactor model and built with the anaerobic system. The consideration, this system does not require a large area and does not require energy for aeration.

Another advantage of this system is in the process produces energy in the form of biogas and waste food and water for fish and other livestock. In addition, the process is more stable and less sludge produced.

Tofu liquid waste treatment unit consists of a main unit called a digester, the waste collection pipe network, gas container, trickling filters, tissue residual waste processed, the process water ponds.

Main unit or reactor that is placed in the Village Kalisari has a volume of 21 cubic meters, equivalent to 1,200 kg of soybeans / day (for 20 craftsmen know), while in Hamlet Ciroyom rate of 5 cubic meters, equivalent to 300 kg soybean / day (for five craftsmen know).

Tofu liquid waste still contains organic materials that contain nutrients that are good enough for bacterial growth metanogenik. The presence of bacteria in the reactor metanogenik can cause methanogenesis process that can produce methane gas. The resulting methane gas can be utilized as an energy alternative that can reduce the impact of global warming.

Bred anaerobic microbes that can cause the process of methanogenesis and mendegerasi COD, TSS is the first step in building a bioreactor. For that, the first reactor filled with cow dung to reproduce anaerobic bacteria or microbes. In addition, the reactor was also filled by a piece of bamboo along the 5-10 cm, as 'home' for microbes. This process is carried out for two to three months.

The first step was a critical success in the Village WWTP Ciroyom Kalisari and Hamlet. Both WWTP is capable mendegenerasi COD value to 85 percent, so the water can be processed into fish feed and other livestock. In addition, by processing as much as 5 meterkubik liquid waste per day, WWTP also produce methane gas that can be used for culinary purposes 21 households per day.

To use the processed biogas effluent know, do not need a special stove. Simply use the stove on the market with minimal modification, namely pull nozzle, kompoenen which controls the gas pressure. This is because methane is a low-pressure, unlike the high-pressure LPG.

To manage these biogas, the craftsmen knew to form groups. It was this group that manages and maintains the unit WWTP. The members who enjoy the biogas provides 10,000 per month contribution to the cost of wastewater treatment. By using the biogas, the craftsmen knew to do save fuel costs. According We are, one pengajin know, before using biogas, he usually uses firewood for 400 thousand (as much as a small truck) for production of tofu and cook for 6 days, after using biogas, firewood can be used up to 8 days.

In addition to making a pilot wastewater treatment unit out, the Ministry of Research and Technology mitigation program also conducts energy efficiency activities. This activity is realized by modifying the furnace that is used to boil the soybeans.

Eddy hopes prototypes developed by the Ministry of Research and Technology WWTP in the Village and Village Ciroyom Kalisari this can be replicated by Regency Banyumas to industrial centers know others in the area and also by other local governments in Indonesia.

Obat Herbal untuk Meningkatkan Gairah Seksual

Kenikmatan dalam hubugan seks merupakan bagian penting dari suatu hubungan yang harmonis. Menurut sumber yang telah kami kutip di, hampir lebih dari 40(empat puluh) persen para wanita sudah pernah mengalami penurunan gairah seksual dalam masa-masa kehidupannya setelah memiliki pasangan. 

Apakah Anda termasuk di antaranya? Jika iya... gak usah malu untuk mengakui-nya, karena hampir kebanyakan sama seperti yang Anda alami untuk saat ini. Kenikmatan hubungan seksual menjadi akans angat menurun secara drastis.

Jika Anda mengerti akan hal ini sebenarnya, apabila Anda mengalami gairah seks menurun secra drastis dan sudah tidak bernafsu lagi pada pasangan, ada beberapa obat mujarab dengan cara herbal yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan kembali dorongan seksual menjadi sangat bergairah dan cara ini sudah terbukti cukup berhasil.

Namun apabila Anda akan mengkonsumsi, ada baiknya melakukan konsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan dokter ahli untuk meminimalisasi efek negatif yang mungkin terjadi. Berikut ini vitamin herbal yang bisa menjadi alternatif pilihan penambah gairah seks Anda dan suami di rumah.

Ramuan dengan Ginseng
Ginseng adalah ramuan cukup aman dengan sedikit efek samping. Ginseng terbukti meningkatkan aliran darah, yang memiliki efek positif pada kenikmatan seksual bagi pria dan wanita. Peningkatan aliran darah membuat pengalaman seksual lebih positif bagi kedua pasangan.

Ginseng juga berfungsi untuk meningkatkan gairah seks Anda, mungkin dengan memicu sistem dopamin, sehingga memicu mood baik yang bisa merangsang gairah.

Ramuan Kava
Kava adalah sejenis lada berasal dari pulau di Pasifik Selatan. Kava bisa dibuat ramuan untuk mengurangi stres dan kecemasan, yang bisa menjadi penyebab utama merosotnya dorongan seks, terutama pada wanita. Wanita mungkin mampu mengerjakan beberapa hal dalam satu waktu, , tetapi biasanya wanita akan sulit untuk menikmati seks jika terganggu oleh stres.

Secara otomatis, stres dapat merusak gairah wanita dan bisa menghambat mereka memiliki kehidupan seks memuaskan. Sehingga sangat penting untuk mengendalikan stres berlebihan termasuk juga kecemasan. Kava telah digunakan selama berabad-abad sebagai pengobatan alami untuk mengatasi kegelisahan.

Tapi, jangan sembarangan mengonsumsi herbal satu ini. Jika berlebih dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hati. Jadi, sangat penting untuk berkonsultasi ke dokter sebelum mengonsumsinya.

Cara ini merupakan terapi dengan sistem Herbal yang sangat efektif dan juga mujarab untuk meningkatkan gairah libido selera dalam melakukan hubungan seksual bersama dengan pasangan.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Video Porno terkait dengan Peningkatan Libido Seksual di tengah perkembangan teknologi internet

Video porno atau biasa yang disebut dengan blue film khusus konsumsi orang dewasa sudah sangat mudah untuk ditemui dan di askes. Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi dunia maya atau internet, video porno yang free atau gratis yang sarat adegan seksual ini bisa dinikmati secara gratis melalui download di internet.

Fenomena penampakan video porno gratis tersebut, para peneliti telah melakukan studi terkait video bokep dalam kaitannya dengan hubungan aktifitas hubungan seksual dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berikut paparan data yang terungkap, seperti dikutip dari Shine:

Target pria: pemeran wanita
Peneliti menunjukkan semua orang akan terangsang menyaksikan video berisi adegan tanpa busana, atau aktivitas seksual. Perbedaannya, pria terangsang dengan target yang jelas, yakni pemeran wanita. Sedangkan wanita cenderung bisa menikmati semua jenis adegan seksual, baik yang diperankan pasangan homoseksual, atau heteroseksual.

Pria fokus melihat ekspresi wajah
Mata dan bibir yang menggoda justru menjadi pusat perhatian, begitulah hasil studi dari Kinsey Institute di Universitas Indiana. Itu terjadi saat pria dihadapkan pada video yang berisi adegan hubungan seksual.

Pengaruh Pil KB
Studi dari Institut Kinsey menyebutkan, wanita lebih memilih menggunakan alat kontrasepsi yang dipasang di organ intim seperti yang dilihat di video porno. Perempuan tertarik pada pil KB lebih kepada unsur-unsur kontekstual.

Hampir semua menontonnya
Seorang peneliti dari University of Montreal ingin mempelajari apakah pornografi memiliki dampak terhadap kehidupan seksual pria. Sang peneliti berusaha mencari dari semua bentuk kelompok pria pada usia 20 tahun ke atas yang belum pernah menonton pronografi. Namun, ia sulit menemukan pria belum pernah menonton video porno.

Pria menonton sebelum pubertas
Menurut studi dari University of Montreal, mayoritas pria pertama kali menonton pornografi pada usia 10 tahun.

Kaitannya dengan Pemilu Presiden
Studi Universitas Rutgers Villanoca menunjukkan, di Amerika Serikat, ada hubungan antara kemenangan presiden dengan dorongan menonton pornografi. Pada kemenangan Bush di pemilu 2004, terjadi lonjakan konsumsi video porno di internet, terutama di sejumlah negara bagian pendukung Bush.

Pada kemenangan Obama tahun 2008, pola serupa juga menimpa negara bagian yang pendukungnya. Terjadi kegilaannya terhadap pencarian film porno di internet. Studi ini menunjukkan kemenangan tim pendukung memicu gelombang testosteron yang mendorong gairah seksual. (vivanews)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tanggal 19 April KH Abdullah Gymastiar akan Menggugat Certai Teh Ninih

Aa Gym pada tanggal 19 April 2011 nanti berencana akan menggugat istri pertamanya Ninih Mutmainah atau Teh Ninih di Gedung Pengadilan Agama Kota Bandung.

Rencana sidang cerai talaknya sendiri akan diadakan pada tanggal 19 April 2011, kata bagian Humas PA Kota Bandung Acep Saefuddin saat menggelar jumpa pers di Gedung Pengadilan Agama Bandung, Jalan Terusan Jakarta No120 Antapani Kota Bandung, Jumat (01/04).

Acep juga mengatakan bahwa, gugatan cerai talak dari Aa Gym didaftarkan ke Pengadilan Agama Bandung oleh kuasa hukumnya yakni Jenal SH, pada 14 Maret 2011 lalu dengan Nomor Perkara 845/Pdt.G/2011/Pa.Bandung.

"Gugatan cerai talaknya sendiri masuk ke sini pada 14 Maret 2011 lalu, yang mengantarkan gugatannya bukan Aa Gym tapi diwakilkan kepada kuasanya yakni Pak Jenal SH MH," kata Acep.

Ia menjelaskan, jika gugatan cerai talak Aa Gym terhadap Teh Ninih dikabulkan maka produk hukum yang akan dikeluarkan oleh Pengadilan Agama Bandung ialah memberi izin kepada Aa Gym untuk menjatuhkan ikrar talak satu raj'i terhadap Teh Ninih di depan sidang Pengadilan Agama Bandung.

"Kalau dikabulkan, produk yang dijatuhkan kepada Aa Gym ialah memberi izin kepada Aa Gym untuk mengucapkan ikrar talak. Ini karena cerai talak atau perceraian yang diajukan oleh suami kepada istrinya," ujar Acep.

Menurutnya, sesuai dengan Undang-undang No.7 Tahun 1989, sidang perdana cerai talak pendiri pondok pesantren Daarut Tauhid ini akan diadakan secara tertutup untuk umum.

"Sesuai UU Nomor 7 Tahun 89, persidangan tertutup untuk umum, karena ini perkaranya cerai atau masalah privasi," katanya. (sumber:antara)