Report Oxford Business Group (OBG), has now become an investment guide for the perpetrators of the world economy. Through sites, businesses can access thousands of articles and reports of business development in nearly 30 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Caribbean.
OBG's Director of Field Operations, Elizabeth Boissevain, explained that the expansion of the group during the last five years has increased the need to balance the quality of the print report as a reference OBG global businessman.
"We are aware that a comprehensive and detailed analysis and data in the report of economic development, a source of reference for the key players and business decision makers," Boissevain said in a written statement in Jakarta..
Meanwhile, Director of Circulation and Communications OBG, Stephanie Parker, said that Oxford wants a modern and dynamic site, so that will reflect the provision of accurate information.
"I believe our online services will bring a new dimension to the reports received by the group and positive," he said.
OBG site featuring about 22,000 original articles covering the issues of political, economic and sectoral trends in some countries